Sunday , 19 May 2024

Pleasant Service in the Coil of Coronavirus

Gholam Reza Soleymani
The President of Central Insurance

Business downtime was not the first challenge insurance industry faced, as the first step of insurance services during pandemic was meeting the needs of patients who have trapped in the coil of Coronavirus. However, insurance industry started designing new packages of insurance services without losing its focus and joining the first rank of health advocates by settling the claims of the Ministry of Health and fulfilling other social responsibilities.

The spread of Coronavirus plunged most of organizations into a uniaxial atmosphere and deprived the possibility of comprehensiveness of its policymakers and implementers. Yet, insurance industry did not have any chance to put a stop to all needs due to the fact that all projects needed to be finished.

Either Coronavirus or any other factors must not reduce the attention to pursue the plan of the Natural Disaster Insurance Fund. Fortunately, all organs of the government cooperate with insurance industry..

With the launch of the Natural Disaster Insurance Fund, not only a heavy burden was lifted from the shoulders of the government, but also was a deep peace which was given to the people who felt their lives in danger of collapsing with every shock. The establishment of this fund transformed the year 2021 into a turning point in the history of the insurance industry that the effects of which will satisfy the great nation of Iran in the coming years. In addition to this great service, the various life insurance packages can also be mentioned as a brilliant achievement for the people and their future. These packages show the rich intelligence of committed professionals who prefer the peace of society to their own comfort.

The media-free industry, without exhibitions and summits, is a worthless industry and in this regard, we have put on the agenda the organization of a large insurance day summit with all protocols set by the Coronavirus Anti-Corruption Headquarters. The summit broke the record of attending the Great Hall of Milad Tower, and by which it aroused the admiration of the Minister of Economy, the Chairman of the Economic Commission of the parliament and other economic officials, and became the role model for subsequent summits.

The practice of setting up the e-summit was the starting point of a movement that soon showed itself in the form of specialized roundtables, virtual councils and e-committees, and the attainment of the first e-government award from the president was a complement to this important process for the third time.

The oversight body’s efforts to strengthen the Iranian Insurers’ Syndicate, the Physical Damage Fund, the professional associations of the insurance industry, and the efforts to create an organized insurance market are among the overarching approaches of the oversight body that has been inimitable throughout the history of the insurance industry, and this amount of interaction could set a new chapter in the industry. Extensive information along with consciously culture enhancement and inclusion of insurance concepts in textbooks were the most important programs addressed in the field of “media” and “culture” to compensate the lack of insurance cultural groups in schools and public spaces.

The broadcast of “Dorbargardoon” TV series last year, as one of the effective measures in the field of spreading insurance culture, was a brilliant move that left a significant impact on improving driving culture as well as geometric correction of accident hotspots, so that some accident-prone areas in all parts of the country have been corrected by people and philanthropists efforts and spending 33 billion tomans by the end of 2020.

It is not easy to enumerate one year of the actions of a large insurance industry, nonetheless, it is possible to headline issues such as investment of 50 thousand billion tomans in the stock market by insurance companies, activation of startups and insur-techs in the insurance industry, issuing online brokerage licenses to five companies, digitizing insurance products, creating a unique code for issuing insurance policies of third party, fire and transportation, and uploading related information in Sanhab system.

The focus on control and management of risk is also another goal of oversight body which has gone a step further to establish the National Risk Management Center which is operating now as an oversight body powerfully, of which effects will become much more apparent in the coming years.

The presence of the insurance industry and its valuable investment in the capital market is another turning point of this industry, which played an effective role in rebuilding public trust and if this presence was not significant, public opinion about the stock market would be placed in a warning situation and would not be considered in the interest of the country’s economic system.

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